Brain Mapping (QEEG)

Electrical activity created by the heart is recorded as an electrocardiogram (EKG) and electrical activity generated by muscles are recorded as electromyogram (EMG). Electrical activity generated by the brain is measured and recorded as an electroencephalogram (EEG). Over the past 20 years we have witnessed a rapid growth in the use of signal analysis techniques used in a clinical setting to measure brainwave activity. Many times it is referred to as "tomography." Technically, topographical brain mapping refers to the analysis of the distribution of EEG waveforms generated by the brain. A good example of topographic mapping is provided by the colorful daily weather maps shown on television. Average temperature gradation is depicted on a national map based on a mathematical computation. It is similar when converting brainwave activity into a brain map.

Cognitive behavioral psychology has demonstrated that action follows thought. Thought patterns formed in the brain depend upon the energy produced there and how that energy is distributed to different areas of the brain. The specialists at the Center for Cognitive Enhancement employ electroencephalographic (EEG) waveform equipment to focus on brain patterns to aid in determining where to make necessary changes in the patterns that affect a person's attitude, emotion, behavior, and cognitive functioning. This important assessment and diagnostic tool is sometimes referred to as neurofeedback imagery, or topographical brain mapping. Neurofeedback technology records information by frequencies, commonly called hertz (Hz) when mapping the operation of neurotransmitters in the brain. This process is very important in both diagnosis of disorders and for effective neurofeedback training to enhance cognitive activity and personal performance.

Depression And Anxiety

I end up assessing to see whether depression or anxiety is the more. While the precise causes of anxiety. Depression and anxiety is apart of my life. Panic attacks and depression usually go together.

What is the Best Treatment For Curing Panic Attacks and Depression? I need that little dose of Celexa to make it through the day. Researchers examined 1442 twin pairs and found that about one third of those diagnosed with depression or anxiety also had insomnia.

They told me to think about all of the different things in my life that were getting me down at present. Two new studies show that problems with the mind can play a significant role in problems of the heart. This is caused by your body immune.

Just because you have a problem. Millions more suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. Did you know that studies about exercise and depression have been going on for almost two hundred years? It can happen to happy and perfectly normal people of all ages including children.

Circle of Anxiety

Anxiety: In a society where stress is a constant companion anxiety reigns supreme among
disorders. Conservative estimates place its incidence in the population at 25%, with 19%
of men and 31% of women experiencing severe symptoms. Contemporary research on stress
indicates it may be behind a wide variety of physical disorders ranging from hypertension
to irritable bowel syndrome. Anxiety disorders include Panic Attacks, Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Case Study: The client was a female, middle aged, with a teenage son. She was experiencing
constant anxiety attacks, could not sleep, and was unable to work or function at home.
She was experiencing racing thoughts that were delusional and constantly revolved around
her failure to help her son who has OCD. After performing a biodiagnostic interview and a
QEEG brain map, we had her doctor prescribe her 100mgs of Zoloft and began training her
with neurofeedback and Audio Visual Entrainment (AVE). By session four she had exceeded
her baseline goals in the alpha frequency and experienced a dramatic reduction in symptoms.
By session five her meds were reduced by 50% and she was able to concentrate at work again.
By session eight her meds were reduced 50% again she was sleeping well, and was having
profound insights into the issues that precipitated the panic attacks. By session ten she
was preparing to reduce her meds another 50%, was reporting that she felt relaxed and
happy, and that things were going well at home and work.

Research Available: Anxiety was one of the first disorders treated with neurofeedback by
Joe Kamiya at the University of Chicago back in the 60's. Both state and trait anxiety
have been documented to be reduced by alpha training with neurofeedback. Numerous other
group studies have been conducted with similar results since then and a great number of
case studies as well.


While anxiety has a lot to do with one's thinking and spirituality, it also has to do with
our bodies.

One physical aspect of anxiety involves centers in the brain called basal ganglia. These
centers deal with fear and fine motor skills. When we experience panic or extreme anxiety,
these centers become over-active. We may predict the worst, become shaky and become too
sensitive to body functions. We feel and experience too much. We feel our hea
rt beating.
We are too aware. This is useful if we were in a situation where we need to es
cape from a
real danger. People who have had a panic attack will do everything they can not to
experience another one. It feels like certain death and loss of control. It is the
over-control that can actually make the condition worse.
Obsessive thinking can also trigger anxiety. These thoughts usually are repetitive and difficult to redirect. In brain imaging we see that when this happens, we see over activity
in the cingulated gyrus. We might worry about our health, germs, or disease. What people
think of us might start to rule our actions. We might experience intrusive thoughts about
hurting someone or ourselves. We then worry about, "why am I thinking these thoughts? Am I
going to lose my mind?" Fear of what people are going to think about us and worry about
losing control is also classic symptoms of anxiety.
It is important to know that people do recover from anxiety. The first step is to find
someone "safe" to share your feelings and what has happened. Sharing with a trust friend
can bring some relief. Sharing with a counselor can bring some good information and tools
to develop a recovery plan. Talking with someone can help us gain perspective and realize
this will pass. It is kind of like a ground wire in electricity--it stops us from

About Author:

I collected this data from different books, Internet search. I am very interested in Psychology.
I like Reading different psychology books and other activities. I want share my knowledge to
others In this way I write this blog.
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